Who WE Serve.
We Change Lives Because Statistics Show:
- According to the Department of Human Services, Woodbury County had 1,589 reports of child abuse in 2022.
- 1 in 4 Iowa 11th graders considered suicide in 2021
- Five children die everyday as a result of child abuse in the United States.
- Suicide was the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 34, and the fourth leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 35-54 in 2021.
- 60% of the workforce today is functionally depressed.
- Each year, serious mental illness costs the United States almost $200 billion in lost earnings according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
- 70-90% of people who seek proper treatment for mental health disorders experience a significant reduction in symptoms.

In 2023 Boys and Girls Home and Family Services, Inc.
- Served 62 children in Residential Treatment
- Average Length of Stay 7 Months
- Provided 923 group/family therapy sessions
- Provided 3,094 individual therapy sessions
- Provided 92 mental health assessments
- Provided 14,568 pounds of emergency food relief
We are proud to serve the Siouxland Community.